Thursday 19 July 2012

Ways To Stop Stage 4 Cancer Beyond Chemo

Stage 4 Cancer

Avoiding apoptosis (programmed cell death) is one sure way that cancer develops and progresses. This naturally-occurring event rids the body of damaged cells and serves to maintain healthy tissue function. Apoptosis is usually triggered when cell stress, DNA damage, and other signals come about.

Cancer cells, on the other hand, are able to skirt the process and continue to endure. See, the body already has the functionality to protect us from cancer and actually may do so up to 10,000 times per day.

What we have to determine is why Stage 4 Cancer patients divert apoptosis.
Mutations Bring About Stubborn and Resistant Stage 4 Cancers
Apoptosis may be triggered internally (from within a cell) or externally (from without.) When it occurs from within the cell, the process relies on the functionality of a protein called p53. Certain mutations can cause this protein’s gene can cause inactivity, thereby preventing apoptosis. This type of mutation is seen in about half of human cancers. A treatment that targets such mutations will significantly increase effectiveness.

Silver Bullet known as Chemo, Can be Dodged by Stage 4 Cancers
While it is true that radiation and chemotherapy indirectly promote apoptosis by damaging cell DNA, cancer found a tricky loophole to side-step this matter. DNA damage is triggered from within the cell via protein p53. But, because mutations to p53 can shut down apoptosis, cancer is often adept at avoiding chemotherapy’s chief mechanism.

For patients undergoing such standard protocols, it is not uncommon to see cancer progress and recur, regularly. Envita works to overcome p53 oncogene mutations through nutritional cancer treatments. The goal is to allow the body to begin and maintain healthy apoptosis.

After all, it does stand to reason that nutritional, immunological, or impairments in toxin elimination deficiencies could all trigger environments leading to cancer development. Why not take the measures necessary to bolster these functions as an added defense. 

Launching an Offensive on Cancer

By promoting apoptosis from outside the cell, as well as other methods from within, we may illicit programmed death in cancer cells that were previously resistant to conventional treatments. And, depending upon the type and stage of cancer, there are numerous approaches Envita employs.

Mitochondria dysfunction support coupled with recommended nutrients aim to restore healthy mitochondria functionality and thereby normal apoptosis. It is unique treatments such as this one, that help the body to attack and eliminate cancer cells. Our track record over the last decade is impressive, having fought against the most challenging Stage 4 Cancer

Treatment Improved – Results Achieved

Envita’s Comprehensive Smart Oncology® program (link to Envita cancer page) integrates successful oncology combinations with our aggressive natural therapies that affect apoptosis in cancer cells by using tumor destruction methods that actually rely solely on p53. Visit our PPMR process (link to Envita PPMR page) or contact us speak to one of our patient-care educators so that we can put an immediate plan in place for you.

What To Do When Chemo Stops Working In Stage 4 Cancer

Stage 4 Cancer

Avoiding apoptosis, the naturally-occurring method by which the body rids itself of damaged or unwanted cells, is one way that cancer and Stage 4 Cancer develops and progresses.

Apoptosis is triggered by cell stress, DNA damage, developmental cues, and other signals from within the body. Unfortunately, we commonly see cells in cancer patients diverting this process. And in doing so their cancers are able to survive, continue to develop, and even spread.

In short, the body already has the equipment to rid itself of cancer; so the question is “why are stage 4 cancer patients diverting apoptosis?”
Mutations Bring About Stubborn and Resistant Stage 4 Cancers
Well, let’s consider how apoptosis is triggered. There are two basic ways:
  • From within the cell
  • From outside the cell
For apoptosis to be triggered from within, the process requires a protein, p53. Mutations to the p53 protein gene can cause it to become inactive, thereby preventing normal, healthy apoptosis. This type of mutation is seen in almost 50 percent of all human cancer. Preventing such mutation is a good step toward improving the overall results of treatment. 

Stage 4 Cancers Can Dodge the Silver Bullet of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy and radiation cause DNA damage to cells by affecting their DNA. But, because DNA mutation apoptosis triggers rely on p53, if the p53 is itself mutated, apoptosis may never occur - saving cancer cells from what would be imminent destruction.

There are many clinical studies that show that customary protocols are seeing cancer progressions and recurrences for just this reason. By employing advanced nutritional treatments to prevent p53 oncogene mutation, Envita works hard with patients to help their bodies enjoy normal and healthy apoptosis.

Stage 4 Cancer treatments fail repeatedly when treatment protocols are implemented, which focus on symptoms and effects alone. In reality, these battles are most often won by attacking the causes directly. Our chances of success increase considerably when measures are taken to eliminate deficiencies in nutrition, immunology, and the ability to eliminate toxins. 

Launching an Attack on Cancer

It is possible to combine treatments to trigger apoptosis from outside the cell, as well as from inside the cell that do not require p53. In doing so, apoptosis may be achieved in cancer cells that had previously been considered “resistant” to traditional treatments. Envita works vigorously to capitalize and even further this approach and its subsequent results. Attacking apoptosis form outside the cell is essential for stage 4 cancer patients as chemotherapy has usually stopped working.

Envita provides its patients with mitochondria dysfunction support with the necessary nutrients and treatments to reestablish normal healthy function. More than a decade of experience dealing with the most difficult stage 4 cancers has provided insight as to which treatments are most successful in helping the body attack and eliminate cancer cells. 

The Better the Treatment – the Better the Result

Envita’s Comprehensive Smart Oncology® (link to Envita cancer home page) program integrates successful oncology combinations with our aggressive natural therapies that affect apoptosis in cancer cells by using tumor destruction methods that actually rely solely on p53. Visit our PPMR process (link to Envita home or PPMR home)or contact us speak to one of our patient-care educators so that we can put an immediate plan in place for you.